
MARK Education Trust’s vision includes the statement that its schools will create "safe and happy environments which enable students and staff to thrive and succeed", and one of the guiding values is for everyone to be motivated to create exceptional, caring and safe educational establishments. 

In practice this means that our students’ welfare is our paramount concern. The trust board will:

  • Ensure that our schools safeguard and promote the welfare of students

  • Work together with other agencies to ensure that our schools have robust arrangements to identify, assess and support those students who are experiencing or are likely to experience harm

  • Recognise that our school is a community and all those directly connected - staff, volunteers, trustees, Local Governing Committee (LGC) members, parents, families and students - have an essential role to play in making it safe and secure

Our Trust Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy and Procedures outline how the trust and its schools protect children who are suffering, or are likely to suffer, significant harm.

MARK Education Trust Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

We understand the importance of safeguarding within our schools which is why our Chair of the Trust has the role of the link trustee for safeguarding. 

Safeguarding is on every meeting agenda, from the local board level through to trust board meetings. Trustees and governors receive and interrogate a wide range of data relating to safeguarding to ensure the trust’s policies and procedures are effective and have a positive impact for all those in the school.

This is further supported by the high number of Designated Safeguarding Leads we have within each academy school.

Strong, joined-up leadership and clear accountability is critical to effective multi agency safeguarding, bringing together the various organisations and agencies. Annual safeguarding audits are carried out by the trust board and annual training is completed by all staff, trustees and members in line with the most recent Keeping Children Safe in Education guidance.

To find out more about safeguarding within our Academy school please click below:

Beacon Academy safeguarding

Uplands Academy safeguarding
